Objective: To investigate family environment, rearing patterns and personality in juvenile offenders.Methods: 290 juvenile offenders and 188 normal adolescents, aged 12-25, were surveyed with the Family Environment Scale-Chinese Version(FES-CV), Family Upbringing rearing styles questionnaire(FUSQ), Big Five-factor Inventory(FFI-R) and Barrett Impulsiveness Scale(BIS-11).Results: Juvenile offenders scored higher than control group on the conflict, control, and achievement orientation(P<0.001), and lower than control group on the cohesion, expressiveness, intellectual-cultural orientation, and active-recreational orientation of the FES-CV(P<0.05);juvenile offenders were lower than control group on the all dimension of the FUSQ(P<0.001);Juvenile offenders scored lower than control group on the agreeableness and open-ness of the FFI-R, and higher than control group on the impulsiveness of the BIS-11(P<0.001).Conclusion: The juvenile offenders live in family environment with low cohesion, low expressiveness, and high conflict, and feel more negative parenting styles, and display personality traits such as low agreeableness, low openness and high impulsiveness.
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