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作者:李晓敏1  方晓义1  琚晓燕2  兰菁1  陈怡1  郑颖娴1 
单位:1. 北京师范大学发展心理研究所  北京 100875 
 中国青年政治学院社会工作学院  北京 100089 
关键词:新婚夫妻 日常沟通 冲突解决 婚姻质量 


Objective: To explore the characteristics of conflict resolution and daily communication as well as their relative predicting effects on marital quality in newlyweds.Methods: Questionnaire data was collected from 268 newlywed couples in Beijing.Results: ①Husbands reported more avoidance, while wives reported more stalemate, verbal aggression and physical aggression.②Husbands' daily communication positively predicted marital quality in both husbands and wives.Further, wives' daily communication and conflict resolution positively predicted marital quality in wives, and husbands' conflict resolution positively predicted marital quality in husbands.③In husbands or wives, the predictive effect of daily communication on marital quality was higher than that of conflict resolution.Conclusion: Both conflict resolution and daily communication influence marital quality, but daily communication context may be more important.


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