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作者:李放1  邢锦涛1  王一博2  宁凯3  郑雪1 
单位:1. 华南师范大学心理学院、心理应用研究中心  广州510631 
 东莞理工学院心理健康教育与咨询中心  东莞523000 
 信阳师范学院教育科学学院  信阳464000 
关键词:年轻男同性恋者 性取向隐瞒 生命意义感 基本心理需要满足 


Objective: To explore the features of concealment of sexual orientation, and the relationship between con-cealment of sexual orientation, basic psychological needs satisfaction and meaning in life in young gays. Methods: 402 young gays were assessed with the scale of concealment of sexual orientation, basic psychological needs satisfaction and meaning in life. Results: ①Concealment of sexual orientation of young gays from single-child family were significantly higher than those from non-single-child family. In addition, concealment of sexual orientation of young gays invovled in a stable relationship were significantly lower than those not invovled in a stable relationship. ②Concealment of sexual orienta-tion was negatively correlated with presence of meaning. ③The satisfactions of autonomy need and competence need played mediating roles between concealment of sexual orientation and presence of meaning in young gays. Conclusion: Conceal-ment of sexual orientation affects meaning in life through basic psychological needs satisfaction in young gays.


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