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作者:杨娟1  蔡琳2 
单位:1. 海南医学院临床学院心理系  海口571199 
 西南民族大学社会学与心理学学院  成都610041 
关键词:远洋航行人员 抑郁 影响因素 


Hard work of pelagic fishing puts great stress on fishermen, and produces stress responses in physiology, psy-chology and behavior, then results in depression. On the basis of referring to relevant literatures, it showed that the mecha-nism of depression of pelagic fishermen may be attributed to the interaction of three factors, including biologic, psychologi-cal and social facets. Future studies should be focused on building of the causal model of depression of pelagic fishermen, to give a reference for the prevention and treatment of depressive disorders, the protection of mental health, the increase of work efficiency and the development of pelagic fishing.


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