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作者:陶金花1  金凤仙1  张嫚茹2  程灶火2 
单位:1. 安徽师范大学心理健康教育中心  芜湖241000 
 南京医科大学附属无锡市精神卫生中心  无锡214151 
关键词:青少年 家庭环境量表 信度 效度 

目的:验证家庭环境量表中文版在问题青少年群体的信度和效度。方法:902名12-25岁青少年接受家庭环境量表中文版调查,其中心理障碍222例、违法者290例、正常者390人,用信度分析、因素分析和组间比较验证量表的信度和效度。结果:除情感表达、独立性和宗教观外,其它分量表在三个样本中的信度都在0.5以上,除独立性和控制性外,其它分量表得分组间差异具有显著性(P <0.05);正常青少年样本探索性因素分析获得三因子:关系(亲密度、情感表达、矛盾性、组织性)、个人成长(娱乐性、知识性)、稳定性(成功性、组织性、控制性),累计解释总方差的64.70%,验证性因素分析显示三因素交叉模型的拟合度优于Moos三因素模型和刘丹三因素模型。结论:独立性和宗教观信度很差,娱乐性、成功性和情感表达信度较差,其它分量表的信度符合心理测量学要求,家庭环境量表中文版8个分量表符合三因素交叉模型,对不同人群具有鉴别效度。

Objective: To examine the reliability and validity of the Family Environment Scale-Chinese Version(FESCV). Methods: The FES-CV was administered to 390 normal adolescents, 290 juvenile delinquents and 222 patients with mental disorder. Results: Except for expressiveness, independence and moral-religious emphasis, the reliabilities of other subscales were above 0.5 in all three samples; except for independence and control, there were significant group differences on other subscales(P <0.05); Exploratory factor analysis of normal adolescent sample obtained three factor: relationship(cohe-sion, expressiveness, conflict, and organization), personal growth(intellectual-cultural orientation and active-recreational orientation), and system maintenance(achievement orientation, organization, and control), which explained total variance of 64.7%. Fit index and incremental index in confirmatory factor analysis supported that the three-factor interaction model was better than the Moos or Liu Dan three-factor model. Conclusion: The reliabilities of the independence and moral-reli-gious orientation are very poor, active-recreational orientation, achievement orientation, and expressiveness are poor, and other subscales meet with psychometric requirements; The findings in this study support a three-factors interaction model for FES-CV.


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