Objective: The research aims at examining the reliability and validity of Multi Intelligence Diagnosis Scale for Children(MIDSC) once again. Methods: 131 children from ordinary kindergartens and primary schools, and 61children from special schools welfare house in Shanghai, totally 191 children aged from 4-11 years were administered the MIDSC. Results: ①For the full scale, three sub scales and 10 subtests, Cronbach α coefficients and corrected split-half coeffi-cients were all above 0.9 or 0.8. ②The correlation between subtests and full scale were significant. The correlations be-tween one subtest and the related subscale were higher than the correlations between the subtest and the rest of subscales; Confirmatory factor analysis showed the fitness of direct hierarchical model was better than the One-Factor Model;The chil-dren from ordinary schools and kindergartens gained much higher IQs of full scale and subscales than those from special schools and welfare house;③Using MIDSC, 43 children from special schools and welfare house were indentified with IQ lower than 70, and discriminated into different levels. Especially, the 17 children who had clinical diagnosis were all detect-ed. Conclusion: MIDSC shows good reliability and validity, and it will be good for identifying and discriminating mentally retarded children.
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