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作者:陈颜1  缪绍疆2 
单位:1. 中国地质大学应用心理学研究所  武汉430074 
 华中科技大学同济医学院附属精神卫生中心  武汉市心理医院  武汉430019 
关键词:创伤 自传体记忆 语义记忆 情节记忆 身份认同 


Autobiographical memory is an unique memory form in human that moves beyond recall of experienced events to integrate perspective, interpretation, and evaluation across self, and time to create a personal history. Based on the theory of Autobiographical Memory Model, exposure to traumatic events are strongly associated with disturbances in aspects of memory, that semantic memory, episodic memory, sensation-based memory and emotion can not be integrated with auto-biographical memory. Prolonged trauma can produce severe identity disturbances when it means a threat to semantic memo-ry; A failure to encode or integrate with episodic memory may lead to over-general and disorganized memory; If sensationbased information can not be integrated with episodic memory and semantic memory, intrusive images will be the main form of memory representation. Further, memory appraisals may also influence the fading of memory about tauma.


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