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作者:杨文辉1  李莉1  肖丽辉1  彭芳1  刘海洪2 
单位:1. 湖南师范大学心理学系  长沙410081 
 中南大学湘雅医院临床心理中心  长沙410008 
关键词:抑郁 青少年 筛查 效度 

目的:检验病人健康问卷2条目中文版(PHQ-2-C) 筛查我国青少年抑郁障碍的效度.方法:1113名11~18岁中学生完成病人健康问卷2条目中文版(PHQ-2-C)、流调用抑郁量表(CES-D)和贝克抑郁量表第2版中文版(BDI-II-C)测试;其中634人(CES-D总分≥20分322人,匹配性别、年龄的CES-D总分<20分312人)完成学龄期儿童情感障碍和精神分裂症问卷(K-SADS)诊断访谈,以美国精神障碍诊断与统计手册第4版(DSM-IV)为标准,对完成访谈青少年做出抑郁障碍(包括抑郁症和其他抑郁障碍)诊断.结果:①PHQ-2-C≥3分为划界分筛查抑郁症和抑郁障碍的敏感度为88%~94%,特异度为73%~76%,接受者操作特征(ROC)曲线下面积(AUC)为0.85,阳性预测值为16.5%~29.4%,阴性预测值为98.2%~99.5%;②与CES-D、CES-D-10 和BDI-II-C比较,PHQ-2-C筛查青少年抑郁症的主要指标均小于CES-D和BDI-II(Ps <0.05),但与CSE-D-10结果类似(Ps >0.05),然而在筛查青少年抑郁障碍上,PHQ-2-C的主要指标与CES-D和CES-D-10结果类似,但小于BDI-II-C.结论:PHQ-2-C具有良好的效标效度, 可作为初步快速筛查我国青少年抑郁障碍的工具.

Objective: To examine the criterion validity of Chinese version of the Patient Health Questionnaire 2(PHQ-2-C) among Chinese adolescents. Methods: 1113 junior-and high-school adolescents(aged 11-18 years) completed the PHQ-2-C, the Centre for Epidemiologic Studies of Depression Symptom Scale(CES-D) and Chinese Version of Beck De-pression Inventory-II(BDI-II-C). Among them, 634 youth(mean age: 14.36±1.71 years old) with CES-D total scores≥20(n= 322) and CES-D total scores<20(n=312) who were matched for age and gender, completed a structured diagnostic inter-view with the Schedule for Affective Disorder and Schizophrenia for School-age Children(K-SADS). Diagnoses of depres-sive disorders which include major depressive disorder(MDD) and any other depressive disorders were made in accordance with DSM-IV. Results: ①For detecting MDD and any depressive disorder, a PHQ-2-C score of ≥3 had sensitivity of 88% ~94%, specificity of 73%~76%, areas under receiver operating characteristic(ROC) curve(AUC) of 0.85, positive predict value(PPV) of 16.5%~29.4% and negative predict value(NPV) of 98.2%~99.5%. ②For detecting MDD, the AUC(0.85), specificity(73%) and positive predict value(16.5%) of the PHQ-2-C were significantly lower than the CES-D and BDI-II-C (AUC:0.91~0.92, specificity: 79%~83%; positive predict value: 20.5%~23.0%) while no difference was found in the index-es mentioned above except AUC between PHQ-2-C and CES-D-10. For detecting any depressive disorder, there was no difference in the indexes except sensitivity among PHQ-2-C, CES-D and CES-D-10, whereas the indexes of PHQ-2-C except NPV were lower than BDI-II-C. Conclusion: The PHQ-2-C demonstrated high criterion validity for detecting MDD and any depressive disorder in Chinese adolescents in school settings, which suggested the PHQ-2-C could be recom-mended as a useful tool for the first step in screening adolescent depression in school settings.


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