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单位:南京师范大学心理学院  南京210046 
关键词:鲍斯 存在主义哲学 精神分析 心理治疗观 


Medard Boss, one of the founders of Daseinsanalysis in psychology, successfully integrated the existential phi-losophy of Martin Heidegger and the psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud. Combined with the native clinical cases supervised by the American Daseinsanalyst, the writer drew a complete picture of the psychotherapeutic theory of Daseinsanalysis by elucidating the therapists'attitudes, therapeutic goal, and the techniques proposed by Boss, and then elucidated the es-sence of the Daseinsanalytic psychotherapy.


1 Boss M. Meaning and content of sexual perversions. Translated by Liese Lewis Abell, Ph.D. New York: Grune and Stratton, Inc, 1949.Ⅹ—Ⅺ
2 Craig E, et al. Psychotherapy for freedom: the daseinsanalytic way in psychology and psychoanalysis. Altlanta: Darby,1988. 6
3 孙平,郭本禹. 从精神分析到存在分析:鲍斯研究. 福州: 福建教育出版社,2011. 254-289
4 Lambert MJ, Ogles BM. The efficacy and effectiveness of psychotherapy.Ⅰ: Lambert MJ(Ed.) Bergin and Garfield's handbook of psychotherapy and behaviors change. 5th. Ed. New York, Wiley, 2004. 93-141
5 郭本禹,孙平. 鲍斯的存在分析学评析. 南京师大学报(社会科学版),2008,5:90
6 Boss M. Psychoanalysis and daseinsanalysis. Translated by Ludwig B. Lefebre. New York: Basic Books Inc, 1963. 139-271
7 郭本禹,等. 潜意识的意义——精神分析心理学(上). 济南:山东教育出版社,2009. 48
8 任其平. 主体的在世之在:宾斯万格研究. 福州:福建教育出版社,2009. 164-165
9 Ronald SV, Mark K. Existential-phenomenological alterna tives for psychology. SD: Oxford University Press, 1978.319-320
10 摘自作者与美国存在分析协会(AAEA)理事长Todd Dubose 博士的临床督导录音.
11 Irvin DY, Molyn L. 团体心理治疗——理论与实践(第五版). 李敏,等译. 北京:中国轻工业出版社,2010. 23
12 老子. 道德经. 夏华,等编译. 北京:万卷出版公司,2012. 8
13 陈嘉映. 海德格尔哲学概论. 北京:三联书店,1995. 102
14 罗洛·梅. 存在之发现. 方红,郭本禹,译. 北京:中国人民大学出版社,2008. 121
15 王蕾,郭本禹. 存在精神病学:莱因研究. 福州:福建教育出版社,2009. 187
16 Freud S. A general introduction to psychoanalysis, trans. by Joan Riviere. NY: Garden City,1943. 461
17 郗浩丽. 温尼科特——儿童精神分析实践者. 广州:广东教育出版社,2012. 122-123
18 Boss. M. Existential Foundations of Medicine and Psychology. New York: Jason Aronson, 1979. 265


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