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作者:惠秋平  陈冉  何安明 
单位:信阳师范学院教育科学学院  信阳464000 
关键词:初中生 感恩 心理健康 交叉滞后分析 


Objective: To explore the causal relationship between gratitude and mental health in adolescents. Methods: 150 junior school students in Henan Province were recruited in a 7-mouth follow study. The causal relationship between gratitude and mental health were examined by cross-lagged regression analysis. Results: ①Gratitude was significantly and positively related with mental health; ②After controlling for mental health at time1, cross lagged regression revealed that, gratitude at time1 positively predicted mental health at time2; After controlling for gratitude and its six factors at time1, mental health at time1 had no significantly predictive effects on gratitude and its six factors at time2; ③Cross lagged regres-sion also revealed that gratitude negatively predicted depression, terror, paranoia, sleep diet, and that the first factor of grati-tude negatively predicted somatization, forced symptoms, anxiety, hostility, paranoia, and sleep diet. Conclusion: Gratitude may have a causal influence on the mental health in adolescents.


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