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MAOA 基因型对青少年反馈评估电生理反应的影响
作者:马任  贾惠侨  明庆森  高一点  姚树桥 
单位:中南大学湘雅二医院医学心理研究所  长沙410011 
关键词:MAOA 反馈评估 N2 攻击行为 


Objective: The current study was aimed at investigating whether feedback processing in healthy male adoles-cents would be modulated by monoamine oxidase A(MAOA) genotype. Methods: We recorded brain responses in feedback processing with a single outcome gambling(SOG) task using event-related potential(ERP) in 72 healthy male adolescents. We compared the N2 amplitudes in MAOA-L group and those in MAOA-H group to investigate the differences in feedback processing in participants with different genotypes. Results: Compared with MAOA-L group, N2 was significantly more negative in MAOA-H group. Conclusion: We suggested that these findings reflect an impairment of feedback processing in participants with lower MAOA alleles, which may provide a neural mechanism by which participants with the MAOA-L alleles confer risk for aggression and violence.


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