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作者:李晓敏1  辛铁钢1  袁靖1  吕丽霞1  陶佳雨1  刘勇2 
单位:1. 承德医学院  承德067000 
 铁力市职业教育中心学校  铁力152500 
关键词:人际需求 信度 效度 大学生 

目的:在中国大学生群体中引入人际需求问卷(Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire,INQ),并检验其信效度。方法:通过4次抽样,共计调查1268名有效被试。其中,另抽取120人完成INQ中文版与UCLA孤独量表(UCLALS)、二维自尊量表(SLCR)、中文人生意义问卷(C-MLQ)、归属感问卷(SBQ)、Beck自杀意念量表(BSI)来考核效标关联效度。67人在2周后进行了重测,检验其重测信度。结果:INQ中文版分为归属受挫和自我累赘感知两个维度,共15个条目。总问卷和分问卷的α系数在0.71~0.87之间;间隔2周后的重测信度在0.72~0.81之间;模型拟合度较好:RMSEA=0.074,CFI=0.917,TLI=0.891,χ2/df =2.984,SRMR=0.086;INQ具有良好的效标关联效度。结论:人际需求问卷中文版具有较好的信效度,可用于评估个体的人际需求状况及预测个体风险行为。

Objective: To introduce the interpersonal needs questionnaire(INQ), and apply it to Chinese university stu-dents. Methods: A total 1268 university students were recruited from three samplings. 120 of 1268 students were asked to complete self-liking/self-competence scale(SLCR), UCLA loneliness scal(UCLA-LS), beck scale for suicide ideation(BSI), Chinese meaning in life questionnaire(C-MLQ) and the sense of belonging questionnaire(SBQ). 67 students were chosen to complete the Chinese version of INQ after 2 weeks. Results: The confirmatory factor analysis showed that the structure of the INQ was rational: RMSEA=0.074, CFI=0.917, TLI=0.891, χ2/df =2.984, SRMR=0.086. The Cronbach'alpha coefficient of the INQ and all subscales ranged from 0.71 to 0.87. The test-retest reliabilities was 0.72~0.81. The INQ had good criteri-on related validity. Conclusion: The Chinese version of INQ is a reliable and valid instrument for assessing interpersonal needs of university students.


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