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作者:王玉正1 2 3  刘欣1  徐慰4  刘兴华1 
单位:1. 首都师范大学学习与认知实验室  北京100080 
 中国科学院心理研究所心理健康重点实验室  北京100101 
 中国科学院大学  北京100049 
 北京师范大学教育学院心理系  北京100875 
关键词:正念训练 疼痛 接纳 随机对照 

目的:探索8周正念训练提升个体接纳疼痛的效果。方法:招募69名被试, 分为正念训练组和等待对照组。其中训练组接受每周1次, 共8周的正念训练, 对照组等待8周。在训练前后测试五因素正念度量表、5分钟冷压任务、疼痛应对策略问卷。结果:49人数据纳入最后统计(训练组22人, 对照组27人)。经过8周正念训练之后, 训练组正念总分(128.72±11.82 vs. 121.73±12.75, P <0.05)、观察(25.55±4.92 vs. 23.91±5.22, P <0.05)、不判断(27.09±3.80 vs. 24.63±5.24, P <0.01)、不反应(19.59±3.02 vs. 21.27±3.96, P <0.01)得分显著提升。训练组经历疼痛刺激时更多采用接纳策略(22.18±6.27 vs.17.68±7.28, P <0.05)。结论:正念训练提升了参与者对疼痛刺激的接纳程度。

Objective: This research aimed to investigate the effectiveness of mindfulness training on improving the acceptance of pain. Methods: 69 participants were recruited in the research. They were randomized into the mindfulnesstraining group and the waitlist control group. Participants in mindfulness training group received an 8-week mindfulness training, while participants in waitlist control group did not receive any interventions. Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ), Cold Pressure Test(CPT), and Coping Strategy Questionnaire(CSQ) were assessed in the pre- and post-intervention. Results: 49 participants(22 in training group and 27 in control group) completed the whole training and test. Compared to waitlist-control group, participants in mindfulness-training group showed significant increase on FFMQ total score (128.72±11.82 vs. 121.73±12.75, P <0.05), observing score(25.55±4.92 vs. 23.91±5.22, P <0.05), nonjudgement score (27.09±3.80 vs. 24.63±5.24,P <0.01), and nonreact score(19.59±3.02 vs. 21.27±3.96,P <0.01). In the Cold Pressure Test, mindfulness-training group used more strategy of acceptance to cope with pain(22.18±6.27 vs. 17.68±7.28,P <0.05). Conclusion: Mindfulness training can help to improve the acceptance of pain.


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