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作者:陆遥1  何金波1  朱虹1  吴思遥1  蔡太生1  胡献2  毛巍嶷2 
单位:1. 中南大学湘雅二医院医学心理学研究所  长沙410011 
 长沙市实验中学  长沙410008 
关键词:青少年 父母教养方式 进食障碍 自我控制 

目的:研究不同的父母教养方式对进食障碍的影响, 考察自我控制在父母教养方式对进食障碍预测中的中介作用及该中介作用的性别差异。方法:使用进食障碍问卷、自我控制量表、简式父母教养方式问卷在随机抽取的582名中学生进行施测。结果:①男生在进食障碍上的得分显著低于女生(P <0.05);②青少年进食障碍与自我控制、不同父母教养方式均相关显著。其中父母过度保护、父母拒绝与进食障碍呈正相关(r =0.285~0.467;P <0.01), 与自我控制均呈现负相关(r =-0.336~-0.462;P <0.01);父母情感温暖与进食障碍呈负相关(r =-0.094, -0.099;P <0.05), 与自我控制呈正相关(r=0.259, 0.269;P <0.01)。③父母教养方式中, 父母过度保护对进食障碍的影响最显著。④自我控制在父母过度保护与进食障碍间起中介作用, 并且该中介作用存在性别差异。结论:相比父母拒绝和父母情感温暖, 父母过度保护对青少年进食障碍的影响更大, 自我控制在男生中的中介作用比在女生中更明显。

Objective: To investigate the influence of different parenting styles on eating disorder, and explore the mediating effect of self-control between them. Meanwhile, we also examined the gender effect on the hypothesized mediating effect. Methods: 582 middle school students completed measures of eating disorder Inventory, Short form of EMBU and The Self-control Scale. Results: ①Boys scored significantly lower than girls on eating disorder(P <0.05). ②Parental overprotection and rejection were positively correlated with eating disorder (r =0.285~0.467;P <0.01), and negatively correlated to selfcontrol(r =- 0.336~- 0.462; P <0.01); Parents'emotional warmth was negatively correlated with the eating disorder(r =- 0.094, -0.099;P <0.05), but positively correlated to self-control(r =0.259, 0.269;P <0.01). ③Paternal and maternal overprotection significantly predicted eating disorder in both female and male adolescents(P <0.001). ④Besides, self-control served as a mediator between parental overprotection and eating disorder, and there was gender effect on the the mediating effect of parental overprotection. Conclusion: Parental overprotection may increase the risk of eating disorder and the self-control possibly serves as a mediating role between parental overprotection and eating disorder.


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