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作者:黄嘉笙  王雨吟 
单位:中山大学心理学系  广州510275 
关键词:认知偏差 认知偏差矫正 情绪障碍 注意偏差矫正 解释偏差矫正 

认知偏差在各类情绪障碍的形成、维持和复发中起着重要的作用, 因此研究认知偏差的矫正技术对于探讨情绪障碍的病理机制和临床干预都具有重要意义。认知偏差主要涉及三个领域:注意偏差、解释偏差和记忆偏差。相应的, 矫正范式也主要集中于注意偏差矫正、解释偏差矫正和记忆偏差矫正。注意偏差矫正与解释偏差矫正的范式和临床应用发展较为成熟, 能够有效改变相应的认知模式, 对于抑郁、焦虑等心理症状表现出较强的改善作用。而记忆偏差矫正则仍处于实验阶段。总体而言, 认知偏差矫正训练存在巨大的应用潜力, 但将其推广至临床应用仍需要考虑将其与已有治疗方案相结合等方式, 以期获得最大的治疗效应。

Cognitive bias, mainly referring to bias in attention, interpretation and memory, was found to play an important role in the development, maintenance and recurrence of emotional disorders. Modification in attention and interpretation bias has been proven as efficient to improve cognitive and psychiatric symptoms. To improve its effectiveness, cognitive bias modifcation still needs clinical adaptation, such as combining with current clinical programs.


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