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作者:曾庆1  贾艳蕾2  张俊华2  郑希付2 
单位:1. 暨南大学心理健康教育中心  广州510632 
 华南师范大学心理学院  广州510631 
关键词:消退 返回 回溯性评估 

目的:探讨回溯性评估对恐惧消退返回的影响。方法:采用心理生理实验法, 引入双耳分听实验技术范式, 记录30名大学生被试对非条件性刺激(US)的预期值和对条件性刺激(CS)的皮肤电反应。结果:通过言语指导语告知被试"由于耳机故障, 所以刚才左侧耳机听不到声音, 右侧耳机一直运行正常"后, 被试对CSl的皮肤电反应和对US预期值显著高于CSr与CSn, 出现了显著的恐惧消退返回。结论:回溯性评估能够影响条件性恐惧的消退返回, 进一步证明命题模型的合理性, 为临床中更好实施暴露疗法提供了实验支持。

Objective: The study was designed to investigate the effect of retrospective revaluation on the return of fear after extinction. Methods: Participants were 14 male and 16 female college students. The experimental design was a 4 (phase: baseline, acquisition, extinction, test)×3(CS: CSl, CSr, CSn) within subjects. Two novel animal phones were presented as CS+s, one followed an unpleasant sound from the left headphone, labeled CSl, the other followed an unpleasant sound from the right headphone, labeled CSr. All the participants went through the same baseline, acquisition, extinction phases. Results: The skin conductance response and the unexpected stimuli(US) expectancy of CSl increased significantly compared to that of CSr and CSn. Conclusion: Retrospective inferences concerning the absence of the US during extinction may give rise to a return of fear.


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