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Development of the Mental Staleness Scale in College Students
作者:WEI Ping1  YANG Mi-mi1  CHEN Hong-bo2 
单位:1 Institute of Psychology  School of Humanities  Xidian University  Xi'an 710126 
 Department of Physical Education  Xidian University  Xi'an 710071  China 
关键词:Mental staleness College students Cognitive staleness Emotional staleness Control fatigue 

Objective: Based upon literature and research work, a Mental Staleness Scale in College Students(MSS-CS) was designed in this work, and the reliability and validity were tested to determine the psychometric properties of this scale. Methods: 1500 questionnaires were tested in the first measurement, which contains 83 items. 1000 students were included in the formal measurement and 122 students were tested again four weeks later for investigating the test-retest reliability. Based on literatures review and opening questionnaire, original items were identified firstly. The formal scale was refined by using item analysis, parallel analysis, exploratory factor analysis(EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis(CFA). Results: MSS-CS included 17 items and was composed of three dimensions including cognitive staleness, emotional staleness, and control fatigue. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the scale had good fit index: χ2/df =1.693, NFI=0.912, RFI=0.901, CFI=0.942, RMSEA=0.050. The internal consistency of MS-CS and the three sub-scales ranged from 0.881 to 0.738, and the test-retest coefficients were 0.854-0.798. There were significant positive correlations between total score and three dimensions(r =0.793~0.459) (absolute value) and among dimensions(r =0.317~0.388). The MSS-CS total score and three dimensions were significantly correlated with the criterion Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey(MBI-SS) (r =0.465~0.819). Conclusion: The MSS-CS with three sub-structures has good psychometric properties in Chinese college students.

目的:探索大学生心理困乏的理论构建及量表的编制。方法:运用开放式问卷、半结构访谈和内容分析相结合的质性研究方法, 与探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析等相结合的量化研究方法, 发放1500份问卷进行初测, 再对1000名大学生进行正式施测, 并对122名大学生间隔四周后进行重测。结果:心理困乏量表由17个项目构成, 包含三个维度(认知困乏、情绪困乏、控制感困乏)。验证性因素分析表明该量表具有较好的拟合指标(χ2/df =1.693, NFI=0.912, RFI=0.901, CFI=0.942, RMSEA=0.050), 总量表及各维度的内部一致性为0.881~0.738, 重测信度为0.854~0.798;心理困乏各维度之间的相关在0.317~0.388间(绝对值), 各维度与总分的相关在0.459~0.793之间(绝对值), 心理困乏各维度及总分与效标(Maslach倦怠量表-学生版)的相关系数在0.465~0.819之间(绝对值)。结论:大学生心理困乏由认知困乏、情绪困乏、控制感困乏三维构成, 大学生心理困乏量表具有良好的信效度。

Supported by The Ministry of education, humanities and social science planning fund(College Students'positive psychological health education theory and Practice Research)(12YJA710059)&"the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities"(Research on Exercise Intervention to Improve Mental Staleness in College Students) (K5051299013)

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