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作者:陈怡  方晓义  兰菁  琚晓燕  郑颖娴 
单位:1. 北京师范大学心理学院发展心理研究所  北京100875 
 中国青年政治学院社会工作学院  北京100089 
关键词:新婚夫妻 择偶标准重要性 期待满足 期待未满足 婚姻满意度 


Objective:To explore the relationship of spouse selection standards and expectation on marriage with marital satisfaction in newly-weds.Methods:263 childless newly-wed couples were recruited from Beijing. A series of selfcomposed and revised questionnaires were applied to these subjects.Results:①For both husband and wife, morality was the top creterion for the standard of spouse selection for, while social and economic status were the lease important factor for spouse selection. Husbands regarded life styles as more important than development prospect, but wives thinked on the contrary way. ②Marital satisfaction had no correlation with the standards of spouse selection, and a strong correlation with the expectation on marriage. ③Husband's life styles and morality, wife's morality significantly predicted husband's marital satisfaction. Wife's morality and development prospect fulfilment and husband's life style significantly predicted wife's marital satisfaction.Conclusion:There are both different and common standards of spouse selection between men and women. Marital satisfaction is influenced by the fulfilment and dissatisfaction of expectation, and irrelevant to the significance of standards of spouse selection.


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