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作者:郭靖  张碧红  黄绿香  郑宇翔  吴清花 
单位:1. 广东财经大学工商管理学院  广州510320 
 广东金融学院财经传媒系  广州510521 
关键词:职场欺凌 中国文化 家族主义 权威主义 


Objective:To explore the characteristics and culture root of bullying in workplace in China.Methods:28 informants were recruited and divided into 3 group,including targets of bullying, by-standers of bullying and Human Resource professionals, the current study adopted deep-interview to collect data.Results:The study extracted 3 themes from the data as follows:familism and the decisive effect of social network; authoritarianism and hierarchical notion; the doctrine of the mean Confucian and society orientation.Conclusion:The familism and authoritarianism influence how the individual and organization cognize and cope the bullying in workplace.


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