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作者:刘浉妍  罗兴伟  赵伟  朱叶  马晓倩  任莎  姚树桥  王湘 
单位:1. 中南大学湘雅二医院医学心理研究所  长沙410011 
 中南大学公共管理学院社会学系  长沙410083 
关键词:精神分裂症 体验 质性研究 家属负担 


Objective:The aim was to explore the inner experience of schizophrenics' caregiver for their long-term caring of the patients, and find out the source of their feelings and then figure out some effective ways to lighten their family burden. This could help us to provide a reference for enhancing mental health of the patients' families, creating a better family environment for patients' recovery and developing community intervention.Methods:21 caregivers were conducted by in-depth interviews and then the interview data was categorized and interpreted by Phenomenological methodology.Results:Five main topics were refined , inlcuding 'Heavy economic burden', 'Worse family relationship', 'Too much psychological pressure', 'Single and boring lifestyle', and 'Fear for patients' future'.Conclusion:Psychointervention and health education for caregivers of schizophrenia will be beneficial to reducing caregivers' negative emotions and improving family relationship, and stabilizing the patient's condition.


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