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Aggression:An Alternative Model of Sensation Seeking and Regulatory Emotional Self-efficacy
作者:WU Xiao-wei  HE Xiao-qin  TANG Hai-bo  HU Qing-zhu  PU Wei-dan 
单位:1. Department of Clinical Psychology  Third Xiangya Hospital  Central South University  Changsha 410013  China 
 School of Marxism  Central South University  Changsha 410083  China 
 Medical Psychological Institute  Second Xiangya Hospital  Central South University  Changsha 410011  China 
关键词:Sensation seeking  Regulatory emotional self-efficacy  Explicit aggression  Implicit aggression 


Objective:To explore the relationship among sensation seeking, regulatory emotional self-efficacy and aggression.Methods:Sensation Seeking Scale for Chinese undergraduate, Regulatory Emotional Self-efficacy Scale, Buss- Perry Aggression Questionnaire and Aggressiveness-Implicit Association Test were applied to 400 college students from Central South University, Changsha, China.Results:①Explicit aggression was significantly positively correlated with sensation seeking and negatively related to regulatory emotional self-efficacy. In contrast, implicit aggression had no significantly correlation with sensation seeking and regulatory emotional self-efficacy; ②After controlling for gender, both sensation seeking and regulatory emotional self-efficacy were significantly predicted explicit aggression; ③Regulatory emotional self-efficacy was found to had a partial mediating effect on the relationship between sensation seeking and explicit aggression(the mediating effect interpreted 10.65% of total effect), but no moderating effect was observed(t=-1.48,P=0.14>0.05).Conclusion:Regulatory emotional self-efficacy was a mediator between sensation seeking and explicit aggression.


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