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作者:莫秀婷  徐凌忠  罗惠文  盖若琰 
单位:山东大学公共卫生学院卫生事业管理与妇幼卫生学系  济南250012 
关键词:医务人员 医患关系 工作满意度 离职意向 

目的: 探讨医务人员感知医患关系、工作满意度与离职意向三者之间的关系。方法: 利用全国第五次卫生服务调查山东省部分数据对2344名医务人员进行研究。结果: 医务人员感知医患关系显著负向影响离职意愿、积极影响工作满意度,医务人员的工作满意度不仅显著负向影响离职意向,而且在感知医患关系与离职意向之间起部分中介作用。结论: 工作满意度在医务人员感知医患关系和离职意向之间有中介作用。

Objective: This article aimed to explore the relationship between perceived physician-patient relationship, job satisfaction and turnover intention in medical professionals. Methods: A total of 2344 medical professionals in Shandong Province were selected based on the Fifth National Health Service Survey. Results: The medical professionals perceived physician-patient relationship was significantly and negatively related to turnover intention, but positively related to job satisfaction. Job satisfaction of medical professional not only significantly affected turnover intention, but also partially mediated the relationship between perceived physician-patient relationship and turnover intention. Conclusion: Job satisfaction mediated the relationship between medical professionals perceived physician-patient relationship and turnover intention.


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