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大学生互惠倾向与生活满意度: 感戴的中介作用
作者:李霞1 3  张建新1  张镇2 
单位:1. 中国科学院心理研究所心理健康重点实验室  北京100101 
 中国科学院心理研究所行为科学重点实验室  北京100101 
 江西科技师范大学教育学院  南昌330013 
关键词:积极互惠 消极互惠 感戴 生活满意度 

目的: 探讨中国文化背景下以德报德和以怨报怨两种不同互惠倾向对幸福感的影响差异及作用机制问题,考查互惠倾向对生活满意度的影响以及感戴在两者关系中的中介作用。方法: 采用个体互惠规范量表、感戴问卷和生活满意度量表对587名大学生进行问卷调查。结果: 积极互惠与消极互惠相关不显著; 积极互惠与感戴和生活满意度显著正相关; 消极互惠与感戴、生活满意度显著负相关; 感戴完全中介了积极互惠—生活满意度、消极互惠—生活满意度之间的关系。结论: 积极互惠和消极互惠是两个相对独立的维度; 个体以德报德的倾向越强,感戴心理也越强,从而有较高的生活满意度; 个体以怨报怨的倾向越强,感戴心理就越弱,因而生活满意度也较低。

Objective: The relationship among the positive reciprocity, negative reciprocity, gratitude and satisfaction with life were examined in order to explore the differences of well-being between people with different reciprocity tendency. Methods: 587 college students were investigated with The Personal Norm of Reciprocity Scale, Gratitude Questionnaire, and Satisfaction With Life Scale. Results: Positive reciprocity was significantly positively correlated to gratitude, satisfaction with life, while negative reciprocity was inversely correlated to gratitude, satisfaction with life; After controlling for sex and age, gratitude both played full mediators between the positive reciprocity and satisfaction with life, and between the negative reciprocity and satisfaction with life. Conclusion: Positive reciprocity is a distinct dimension from negative reciprocity; The reciprocity disposition influences the satisfaction with life mainly through gratitude, which may provide a theoretical framework for improving the well-being of college students with different reciprocity tendency.

国家自然科学基金面上项目(71273255); 江西省十二五教育科学规划项目(12YB072); 江西科技师范大学教育学省级重点学科(赣教研字[2011]12号)资助

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