Objective: To verify and explore the feature of intergenerational transmission of severe physical violence perpetration in China, and to provide a theoretical basis for intervention of domestic violence. Methods: We identified cases of domestic violence based on appeals for help to police stations, local Women's Federations, Residents'Community Committee, Center of Community Health Services, and judicial branch of city governments. The participants were divided into four groups, Abusers with Violent Pedigree(AP, n=136), Abusers without Violent Pedigree(ANP, n=105), Non-Abusers with Violent Pedigree(NAP, n=105) and Non-Abusers without Violent Pedigree(NANP, n=198), and features of transmission were compared among four groups. Results: Scores of childhood physical abuse, sexual abuse, CTQ-SF added scores and witness domestic violence(DV) in AP group were significantly higher than the other three groups. Scores of childhood emotional, physical and sexual abuse, emotional neglect, witnessing DV in NAP group were higher than ANP and NANP group significantly. Scores of SPV were positively related with scores of the sub-scales and added scores of childhood abuse, scores of witness DV. Conclusion: The intergenerational transmission of SPV exists in the Chinese community, but childhood witness DV may exert greater influences on the intergenerational cycle than experiencing childhood abuse.
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