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作者:徐伟1 2 
单位:1. 滨州医学院人文与社会科学学院基础心理学教研室  烟台264003 
 滨州医学院医学人文研究中心  烟台264003 
关键词:幼儿 心理理论 错误信念 道德判断 

目的: 研究幼儿的心理理论和道德判断之间的关系。方法: 选取99名3-5岁幼儿为被试,采用错误信念任务和道德判断任务,对两者之间的关系进行了研究。结果: ①幼儿的心理理论存在显著的年龄差异,性别差异不显著,年龄和性别的交互作用不显著。②在对道德行为的评价中,年龄及性别的主效应不显著,年龄和性别的交互作用不显著; 在对行为惩罚的判断中,年龄主效应显著,性别主效应不显著,年龄和性别的交互作用显著。③幼儿的心理理论与道德判断之间存在显著的正相关关系,控制了年龄因素之后,相关依然显著。结论: 幼儿的心理理论与道德判断之间相关显著。

Objective: To study the relationship between children's theory of mind and moral judgement. Methods: 99 3-5 years old children were selected as participants. False belief task and moral judgement task was performed to measure the children's theory of mind and moral judgement. Results: ①There were significant main effect of age on children's theory of mind, the performances of 3 years old children were significant lower than that of 4 and 5 years old, but there were no main effects of gender nor interactive effects between age and gender. ②In the moral evaluation of behavior, there were no significant main effects of age and gender, nor the interactive effects between age and gender; in the judgement of behavior punishment, there were significant main effect of age and interactive effects between age and gender. ③With age controlled, there was a positive correlation between children's theory of mind and moral judgement. Conclusion: Children's theory of mind and moral judgement are significant correlated.


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