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抑郁缓解者正性注意偏向的实验操纵: 来自眼动的证据
作者:刘明矾1  黄任之2  徐西良3  刘桥生4 
单位:1. 江西师范大学心理学院  南昌330022 
 湖南第一师范学院教科系  长沙410205 
 河南信阳师范学院  信阳464000 
 江西省精神卫生中心  南昌330029 
关键词:抑郁缓解期 注意偏向训练 眼追踪 

目的: 了解正性注意偏向训练能否使复发性抑郁缓解个体对情绪图片的消极信息产生回避。方法: 采用改版的点探测注意训练任务分别对正性词训练和中性词训练条件下的复发性抑郁缓解者各15例进行注意偏向的训练,训练前后通过眼动仪记录被试对情绪图片负性信息的注视次数和注视时间。结果: 在积极词训练条件下,被试训练之后对图片消极部分的注视次数和注视时间比训练前明显减少; 中性词训练条件下对图片消极部分的注视次数和注视时间在训练前后差异不显著。结论: 积极信息关注的注意力训练能使复发性抑郁缓解者学会对负性信息的回避。

Objective: The study aimed to assess whether positive attention training could lead remitted individual with recurrent depression to show less gaze patterns of negative attention bias. Methods: In 30 remitted depression individuals, A modified dot probe task was used for attentional training towards positive(15 patients) or neutral information(15 patients). Immediately before and after attentional training, participants were exposed to a stress task consisting of viewing a series of extremely negative images while having their eye movements recorded. Visual fixation and viewing time were recorded. Results: Participants in the train-neutral condition showed no difference in visual fixation of the negative images in the visual stress task before and after the attentional training. However, participants in the train-positive condition had less visual fixation and viewing time at the negative images in the visual stress task after the attentional training relative to before the training. Conclusion: Remitted individual with recurrent depression could learn aversion to negative stimuli after being experimentally trained to selectively attend to affectively positive information. Participants who received training towards neutral information do not show this relief of negative information biases.


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