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作者:张嫚茹1  金凤仙2  程灶火1  刘新民2 
单位:1. 南京医科大学附属无锡精神卫生中心  无锡214151 
 皖南医学院人文管理系  芜湖241002 
关键词:家庭教养方式 结构效度 因素分析 

目的: 检验家庭教养方式问卷(FUSQ)在青少年正常样本和临床样本中的结构效度。方法: 2826名青少年正常样本与322例临床样本接受FUSQ测试,采用验证性因素分析验证两种三因素模型在不同样本中的结构效度。结果: 两种三因素模型的RMSEA、拟合指数和增值指数均达到可以接受的水平,三因素修正模型(χ2/df =1.97-10.87,RMSEA=0.055-0.067,MECVI=0.497-1.531,GFI=0.91-0.96,CFI=0.95-0.97)比三因素相关模型(χ2/df =4.62-29.84,RMSEA=0.098-0.114,MECVI=1.699-2.949,GFI=0.76-0.83,CFI=0.85-0.88)更理想; 父亲教养方式与母亲教养方式具有类似的结构效度; 正常样本数据拟合度(χ2/df =9.92-29.84,RMSEA=0.056-0.101,MECVI=0.497-1.785,GFI=0.82-0.96,CFI=0.87-0.97)优于临床样本(χ2/df =1.97-5.14,RMSEA=0.055-0.114,MECVI=1.334-2.949,GFI=0.76-0.93,CFI=0.85-0.97)。结论: 家庭教养方式问卷符合三因子模型,在正常样本和临床样本均具有较好的结构效度。

Objective: To examine the construct validity of Family Upbringing Style Questionnaire(FUSQ). Methods: FUSQ were administered to 2826 normal adolescents and 322 patients with mental disorder and juvenile delinquency, confirmatory factor analysis was used to verify the construct validity of three-factor model in different groups. Results: RMSEA, fit index and incremental index of two models reached acceptable levels, three-factor correction model(χ2/df =1.97- 10.87,RMSEA=0.055-0.067, MECVI=0.497-1.531, GFI=0.91-0.96, CFI=0.95-0.97) was more ideal than the three-factor related model(χ2/df =4.62-29.84, RMSEA=0.098-0.114, MECVI=1.699-2.949, GFI=0.76-0.83, CFI=0.85-0.88). The construct validity of fathers'upbringing style was similar to mothers. The data fitting of normal samples(χ2/df =9.92-29.84, RMSEA=0.056-0.101, MECVI=0.497-1.785, GFI=0.82-0.96, CFI=0.87-0.97) was superior to clinical samples(χ2/df =1.97-5.14, RMSEA=0.055-0.114, MECVI=1.334-2.949, GFI=0.76-0.93, CFI=0.85-0.97). Conclusion: Family Upbringing Style Questionnaire suits for the three-factor model and has good construct validity.


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