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作者:卢勤  亢旭东  李旭  郑涵予  刘孝群  邵昌玉 
单位:成都学院心理健康教育与研究中心  成都610106 
关键词:男性青少年 性别角色冲突 信效度 

目的: 在中国青少年中修订男性青少年性别角色冲突量表。方法: 以整群抽样法选取1230名男性青少年,对男性青少年性别角色冲突量表进行项目分析、探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析和信效度检验。结果: ①量表包括28个条目; ②探索性因素分析得出包括对成功和成就的需求、限制性情感表达、同性间限制性亲密行为和工作、学业与家庭的冲突、父母期待五个因子,共解释54.369%的方差变异; ③修订后的量表信效度良好: 总量表与各分量表的内部一致性系数为0.829、0.607、0.761、0.691、0.746、0.808,一个月后的重测信度分别为0.766、0.791、0.797、0.770、0.781、0.714,与自我和谐量表表现出良好的效标关联效度。结论: 男性青少年性别角色冲突量表(中国青少年版)五因子结构稳定,各项心理学测量指标良好。

Objective: To revise the Gender Role Conflict Scale-Adolescent for Chinese Adolescents(C-GRCS-A). Methods: 1230 male adolescents in middle school were chosen by cluster sampling method to test the reliability and validity of Chinese Version of GRCS-A, confirmatory factor analysis, criterion-related validity, reliability analysis and item analysis were conducted. Results: ①The formal version of C-GRCS-A included 28 items; ②Exploratory factor analysis generated five factors reflected Need for Success and Achievement, Restrictve Emotionality, Restrictive Affectionate Behavior Between Men, Conflict Between Work, School, and Family Relations and Parents Expectation, which accounted for 54.369% of the total variance; ③The five factor structure model fitted well through confirmatory factor analysis.The Cronbach αcoefficient of C-GRCS-A was 0.829, the five subscale were also have good internal coefficient(0.607、0.761, 0.691, 0.746 and 0.808 respectively). The test-retest reliability for C-GRCS-A with its subscale after one moth were 0.766、0.791、0.797、 0.770、0.781 and 0.714 respectively, and its convergent validity with SCCS was also good for psychometric properties. Conclusion: The five factors contracture model of the C-GRCS-A is stable and the C-GRCS-A is a reliable and valid measurement which can be widely used in Chinese adolescent.

教育部人文社会科学研究西部和边疆地区规划基金项目“男性青少年性别角色冲突研究”(11XJA190001)资助; 2013年度四川省哲学社会科学重点研究基地(心理健康教育)重点课题——男大学生性别角色冲突与心理健康相关研究(XLJKJY1301A)资助。

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