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作者:胡军生1 2  杨烨3  王登峰2 
单位:1. 井冈山大学教育学院  江西 吉安 343009 
 北京大学心理学系  北京 100871 
关键词:自我价值感 自我价值感领域权变性 主观幸福感 调节作用 


Objective: To investigate self-worth, contingencies of self-worth and their relationship with subject well-be-ing(SWB). Methods: 320 Chinese university students were asked to complete the Contingencies of Self-worth Scale, the Self-worth Questionnaire and SWB Faces Scale. Results: There were significantly positive correlations between all the factors of self-worth and the contingencies of self-worth and SWB, but the correlations between the factors of self-worth and SWB were higher than those between the corresponding contingencies of self-worth and SWB. The total variance of SWB accounted for by self-worth was higher than that by the contingencies of self-worth (19.2% vs. 12.4%), and contin-gency of self-worth didn't have significant moderating effect of self-worth on SWB. Conclusion: SWB predicted by self-worth is more effective than by the contingencies of self-worth.


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