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作者:胡晓晴  傅根跃 
单位:浙江师范大学心理系  浙江 金华 321004 
关键词:测谎 ERP P300 犯罪知识测试(GKT) 反测谎 


Based on previous studies focus on uncovering concealed information using event-related potentials, this ar ticle introduced the rationale, paradigm and individual diagnostic techniques used in P300 Guilty Knowledge Test studies. In addition, the article presented the possible influence of countermeasures in P300-GKT and the newly developed Com plex Trail Protocol (CTP) which was believed as a valid paradigm in resisting countermeasures. Finally, this article dis cussed the issues needed to be addressed in the future: how to expand the current paradigm used in ERP-base lie detec tion, pay more attention to emotion which plays a role in deception and deception detection, and the need to further inten-sify lab studies as well as field studies.


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