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作者:徐佳1  施建农2  张雨青2  徐法军1 
单位:1. 广东海洋大学中歌艺术学院  广东 湛江 524088 
 中国科学院心理研究所心理健康重点实验室  北京 100101 
关键词:感觉寻求 人格 美术 发展 


Objective: To discuss the difference between art major students and ordinary university students about their characteristics of sensation seeking. Methods: 135 art major students were compared with 152 ordinary university students about their characteristics of sensation seeking, and analyed in different sexes, grades and majors by multi-way analysis of variance. Results: Art major students’ ES, GEN scores were obviously higher than ordinary university students’ , but the difference in males was not remarkable. The differences of TAS, ES and GEN in female were remarkable. Different majors and grades’ interaction of ES and GEN was remarkable; the female's was especially remarkable of TAS, ES and GEN, the trend of development was different. Conclusion: Art study has the possibility to affect the trend of personality development of sensation seeking.


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