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作者:区丽明  叶瑞繁  陈剑  张美兰  朱春燕  耿庆山 
单位:广东省人民医院  广东省老年医学研究所  广东 广州 510080 
关键词:综合医院 门诊 抑郁 焦虑 


Objective: To take an epidemic inventory of depression and anxiety disorders in the out-patient depart ments of comprehensive hospitals in Guangzhou District. Methods: Subjects were chosen and investigated from 15 com prehensive hospitals’ out-patient departments randomly. Firstly, HADS was used for scanning of depression and anxiety. Then BDI, SAS, HAMD-17 and HAMA were applied for further diagnosis. Results: 701 cases were positive among the whole 1842 patients(38.1%), in which 240 cases(34.2%) preferred to have further psychological evaluations. The mean age of the positive ones in the scanning was younger than those negative ones(P<0.05). The females had a higher ratio of posi tive ones in the scanning(66.3%, P<0.01). Conclusion: There is a high rate of positive depression and anxiety disorders in the out-patient departments of comprehensive hospitals in Guangzhou District. Meanwhile, young and middle-aged per sons and females may be the groups who easily suffer from depression and anxiety disorders.


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