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作者:唐志红1  周世杰2 
单位:1. 湖南现代物流职业技术学院  湖南 长沙 410131 
 中南大学湘雅二医院心理研究中心  湖南 长沙 410011 
关键词:网络成瘾 青少年 心理风险因素 


Objective: To explore the psychological risk factors of the youth with internet addiction. Methods: According to the random-cluster sampling principle, 605 students were drawn out from three colleges in changsha and investigated by EPQ, UCLA, TSCS, internet behavior character questionnaire and internet addiction disorder test. Results: ①There are 10.7% internet addiction among youth in all the subjects. ② The six variables of network satisfaction, the feeling of loneliness, internal controls, the average time online of every time, the average time online of every day, if they are the only child in their family or not, could predict if the youth addicted to the internet or not. Conclusion: It could be better predicted that if the youth addicted to internet through the internet behavior features and some psychology characters.


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