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作者:纪术茂1  高成阁1 2  李满祥1 2  纪亚平1 2  郭承九1 3  房明1 
单位:1. 西安市精神卫生中心 
关键词:MMPI剖图 K矫正 


Objective: To understand the effect of adding K Correction on the profile of MMPI and its clinical significance.Methods: The changes of T scores on 5 clinical scales( Hs、Pd、Pt、Sc、Ma), the intercorrelations among 8 clinical scales before and after K addedwere compared in schizophrenia( n=72)and obssesive-compulsive neurosis(n=31). Results: On the profile with K corrected, T scores onSc and Pt increased 2. 55T-point in schizophrenia group and 3. 96 T -point in obssesive-compulsive neurosis group respectively. The two-point code changed from 36/63 to 68/86 in schizphrenia group, and from 23/32 to 27/72 in obssesive -compulsive neurosis group. In addition, the intercorrelations among scales are different, and this makes it more possible to use the code to interprete clinical diagnosis. WhenT-score is equal to or above 65, the casesof schizophrenia and obssesive-compulsive neurosis increased 15. 1%( <0. 05)and 16. 13%( <0. 01)respectively. Conclusion: By K-correcting, the probability of using clinical scales to identity different mental diseases could be increased.


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