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作者:蒋立坚  温盛霖  吴坚  潘集阳  吴新中  李卫国  吴亚成 
单位:中山医科大学第三附属医院 广东广州 510630 

颞下颌关节紊乱综合征(teporomandibular joint disorder syndrome,TMJDS)是口腔颌面外科常见病之一。目前国内外均认为TMJDS的发病机制是多因素共同作用的结果,其中心理社会因素对TMJDS的发病启动过程所起的作用仍有一定的争议。本文通过对55例TMJDS患者以及39例对照组心理健康状况进行对照研究,以期探讨心理社会因素对TMJDS的影响,并为临床上对TMJDS进行心理干预提供依据。

Objective:To investigate the mental symptoms in the patients with TMJDS. Methods:55 patients with TMJDS and 39 healthy controls were evaluated by SCL-90, EPQ, SAS and Life Event Scale. Results: Significant differences between the two groups were found on the EPQ-N subscale score, the SAS total score, as well as positive symptoms score, anxiety score and depression score of the SCL-90. The TMJDS patients showed more negative life events than the control group. Conclusion:The present study suggested that there were significant levels of anxiety and depression in the patients with TMJDS. Psychological interventions should be considered in the management of TMJDS.


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