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作者:杨贤志1  寻民赖1  谢例君1  官开泉1 2  万金华1  欧阳国华1  陈华强1  易伟1  李先运1 
单位:1. 湘潭市精神卫生中心 湖南湘潭 411100 
关键词:残疾人 婚育状况 子女素质 

目的:调查残疾人的婚姻、孕育状况及其子女的素质,为助残和计划生育工作提供客观依据。方法:抽样调查 855名残疾人,并以 30 0名健康人作对照组,比较分析残疾人的婚育状况及其子女的素质。结果:残疾人的已婚率为 76.6 1%,婚姻质量较差,落实节育措施率 70.4 %,子女病残率为 16.6 1%,违纪触法率 10.2 3%,文化素质低于对照组。结论:残疾人在婚姻和计划生育方面存在一些问题,子女的健康和文化素质较低。

Objective: To provide an objective guide for work with birth control and planning for the handicapped, we investigated the marital, child birth and rearing status, as well as quality characteristics of their children. Methods:Data were collected from 855 handicapped and 300 normal adults with respect to their marital, child birth and rearing practice, as well as quality characteristics and achievement of their children. Results: While 76.61% of the handicapped were married with relatively poorer marital outcome, 70.4% were found to adhere to the birth control policy. Rates of their children suffering from handicap conditions and committing criminal offences were 16.61% and 10.23% respectively. Social and cultural attainment was also found to be lower among children of the handicapped. Conclusion: The handicapped encountered significant difficulty in their planning for marriage and child birth. Quality characteristics of their children, such as general health and social achievement, were found to be poorer when compared to controls.


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