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作者:周景丽  孔繁会  王维治 
单位:哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院 黑龙江哈尔滨 150086 
关键词:Infarction Language disorder Paraventricle Neuropsychology 

Objective:To study the characteristics and mechanisms of language disorders in predominant periventricular lesion.Methods:40 Patients with periventricular infarction were assessed on the Aphasia Battery in Chinese (ABC),results were analyzed to determine the relationship between neuroiconography and speech function.Results:lesion of anterial lateral ventricle led to acute mutism,limited spontaneous speech,and disorder of speech initiation.Lesion near medial lateral paraventricle led to aphemia.All these lesions are usually associated with stuttering.Conclusion:The white matter anteromedial lateral paraventricular is an important part in the automatic processes that involved in speech production.Different lesions of these regions may result in different language disorders.

Objective:To study the characteristics and mechanisms of language disorders in predominant periventricular lesion.Methods:40 Patients with periventricular infarction were assessed on the Aphasia Battery in Chinese (ABC),results were analyzed to determine the relationship between neuroiconography and speech function.Results:lesion of anterial lateral ventricle led to acute mutism,limited spontaneous speech,and disorder of speech initiation.Lesion near medial lateral paraventricle led to aphemia.All these lesions are usually associated with stuttering.Conclusion:The white matter anteromedial lateral paraventricular is an important part in the automatic processes that involved in speech production.Different lesions of these regions may result in different language disorders.


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