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作者:彭红莉1  王祖承2  叶为民3  仇剑崟2  徐鹤定2 
单位:1. 湖南省脑科医院 湖南长沙 410011 
关键词:Oral maxillofacial tumor Emotion 

Objective:To study emotional problems of preoperative and postoperative patients with oral maxillofacial tumor.Methods:Sixty-two patients with maxillofacial tumor were administered with the SAS,SDS and SCL-90 for pre-post operative comparisons.Results:There were significant differences in the scores of SAS,SDS and SCL-90,but no significant differences was found in the SCL-90 anxiety subscale.When comparing patients below and above the age of 50,there were significant differences in SAS score,as well as the somatization and obsessive-compulsive scales of SCL-90.Patients with malignant tumors were found to be more depressed before and after operation than patients with benign tumors.Conclusion:Patients with oral maxillofacial tumor experience significant anxiety before and after operation.Patients with malignant tumors experience more severe depression than patients with benign tumors.

Objective:To study emotional problems of preoperative and postoperative patients with oral maxillofacial tumor.Methods:Sixty-two patients with maxillofacial tumor were administered with the SAS,SDS and SCL-90 for pre-post operative comparisons.Results:There were significant differences in the scores of SAS,SDS and SCL-90,but no significant differences was found in the SCL-90 anxiety subscale.When comparing patients below and above the age of 50,there were significant differences in SAS score,as well as the somatization and obsessive-compulsive scales of SCL-90.Patients with malignant tumors were found to be more depressed before and after operation than patients with benign tumors.Conclusion:Patients with oral maxillofacial tumor experience significant anxiety before and after operation.Patients with malignant tumors experience more severe depression than patients with benign tumors.


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[3] 黄丽,姜乾金,任尉红.应对方式、社会支持与癌症病人心身症状的相关性研究.中国心理卫生志,1996,10(4):160-161
[4] 自白海,郭秀萍.976例癌症病人心理分析和心理治疗探讨.中国行为医学科学,2001,1 0(2):125-126
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