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作者:任清涛1  李广2  马秀青1 
单位:1. 山东淄博市精神病医院 山东淄博 255120 
关键词:Somatoform disorder Clinical features Diagnosis Internal medicine department Antidepressant 

Objective:To investigate the clinical features,diagnosis and treatment of somatoform disorders (according to ICD-10 criteria) in outpatients of internal medicine department.Methods:96 patients with somatoform disorders being misdiagnosed and followed-up at the internal medicine outpatient department were rated using Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS) and HAMD,and they were re-diagnosed according to ICD-10 criteria.Paroxetine were used to treat these patients with somatoform disorders.Results:All of the 96 Patients met the ICD-10 somatoform disorders criteria.Somatization disorder was the most frequent subtype diagnoses,and pain was the most frequent complaint among the somatoform symptoms.The patients' symptoms significantly improved after 8 weeks anti-depression treatment.Conclusion:Timely recognition and diagnosis of the somatoform disorders in internal medicine department may decrease the probability of inappropriate medical treatment.Antidepressants have efficiency for improving somatic and mental symptoms.

Objective:To investigate the clinical features,diagnosis and treatment of somatoform disorders (according to ICD-10 criteria) in outpatients of internal medicine department.Methods:96 patients with somatoform disorders being misdiagnosed and followed-up at the internal medicine outpatient department were rated using Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS) and HAMD,and they were re-diagnosed according to ICD-10 criteria.Paroxetine were used to treat these patients with somatoform disorders.Results:All of the 96 Patients met the ICD-10 somatoform disorders criteria.Somatization disorder was the most frequent subtype diagnoses,and pain was the most frequent complaint among the somatoform symptoms.The patients' symptoms significantly improved after 8 weeks anti-depression treatment.Conclusion:Timely recognition and diagnosis of the somatoform disorders in internal medicine department may decrease the probability of inappropriate medical treatment.Antidepressants have efficiency for improving somatic and mental symptoms.


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