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作者:张莉  郝文平  齐丽莎  路长林  张伟  扈长茂  李可平 
单位:解放军第473医院 甘肃兰州 730070 
关键词:Stress Atrial n atriuretic peptide (ANP) Angiotensin-Ⅱ (AngⅡ) Endothelin (ET) 

Objective: To study the change o f ANP, AngⅡ, ET and psychological reaction during military parachute jumping. Methods: Fifty-four new airborne were randomly divided into control group, experiment gro up one and experiment group two.10ml blood of median were col lect ed.The ANP, AngⅡand ET level were tested with RIA, and the level of emotion arous al was estimated with questionnaire.R esults : (1)There was a significant increase of plasma ANP, AngⅡ, ET durin g parachute jumping stress. (2) The score of anxiety 24 hour before jumpingwas significantly different from that of immediately after landing.Conclusion: Some kinds of psychological intervene was needed in preventing psychosomatic desease and neuroses during parachute jumping.

Objective: To study the change o f ANP, AngⅡ, ET and psychological reaction during military parachute jumping. Methods: Fifty-four new airborne were randomly divided into control group, experiment gro up one and experiment group two.10ml blood of median were col lect ed.The ANP, AngⅡand ET level were tested with RIA, and the level of emotion arous al was estimated with questionnaire.R esults : (1)There was a significant increase of plasma ANP, AngⅡ, ET durin g parachute jumping stress. (2) The score of anxiety 24 hour before jumpingwas significantly different from that of immediately after landing.Conclusion: Some kinds of psychological intervene was needed in preventing psychosomatic desease and neuroses during parachute jumping.


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