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作者:蒋小娟  陆国建 
单位:无锡市第七人民医院 江苏无锡 214000 
关键词:ADHD Intellectual structure Children 

Objective:To study Intelligence and its f actor structure of children with attention deficient and hyperactivity d isorder.Methods:6 5 children with ADHD and 40 normal children were administered the C-WISC.Results:The IQS and subtest scores of children were lower than those of normal children, Except for picture Arrangement.VIQ of children with AD HD was lower than PIQ. Verhal comprehension was poorer than perceptual organizat ion. Conclusion:Th e ADHD children showed sub-normal intelligence, and their development of intellec tual abilities appeared to be uneven.

Objective:To study Intelligence and its f actor structure of children with attention deficient and hyperactivity d isorder.Methods:6 5 children with ADHD and 40 normal children were administered the C-WISC.Results:The IQS and subtest scores of children were lower than those of normal children, Except for picture Arrangement.VIQ of children with AD HD was lower than PIQ. Verhal comprehension was poorer than perceptual organizat ion. Conclusion:Th e ADHD children showed sub-normal intelligence, and their development of intellec tual abilities appeared to be uneven.


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