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作者:田志宏  张震  王东林  严善明 
单位:江苏省镇江市第四人民医院 江苏镇江 212001 
关键词:Panic disorder Diagnosis Relevant factor 

Objective:To find out factors related to the delay in diagnosis of panic disorder. Methods: One hundred patients with panic disorder were assessed and investigated with SCL-90 and a self-compiled questionnaire.Linear regression was applied in the multivariate statistical analysis, with the delayed time (from the age at onset to the age at being definitely diagnosed) as dependent variable and SCL-90 factorial scores, the existing symptoms and the demographic factors as independent variables. Results:Factors negatively correlated with the delayed time were depression , nausea/abdominal discomfort and fear of dying while those positively correlated with it were phobia and depersonalization/derealization. Conclusion: Depression may contribute to early diagnosis of panic disorder.

Objective:To find out factors related to the delay in diagnosis of panic disorder. Methods: One hundred patients with panic disorder were assessed and investigated with SCL-90 and a self-compiled questionnaire.Linear regression was applied in the multivariate statistical analysis, with the delayed time (from the age at onset to the age at being definitely diagnosed) as dependent variable and SCL-90 factorial scores, the existing symptoms and the demographic factors as independent variables. Results:Factors negatively correlated with the delayed time were depression , nausea/abdominal discomfort and fear of dying while those positively correlated with it were phobia and depersonalization/derealization. Conclusion: Depression may contribute to early diagnosis of panic disorder.


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