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作者:庄思齐  刘美娜  张红宇 
单位:中山医科大学附属第一医院儿科 广东 广州 510080 
关键词:ADHD Intelligence Learning disability 

Objective:To evaluate levels of intelligence in children with ADHD. Methods:A total of 129 children with ADHD and 87 normal children were evaluated with C-WISC. Results:Full-scale IQs of most children with ADHD varied between the normal and borderline range, showing incompatible scores on VIQ and PIQ. The overall levels of intelligence of children with ADHD were found be lower than normal controls. Conclusion:There was significant difference in intellectual abilities between ADHD children and normal children.

Objective:To evaluate levels of intelligence in children with ADHD. Methods:A total of 129 children with ADHD and 87 normal children were evaluated with C-WISC. Results:Full-scale IQs of most children with ADHD varied between the normal and borderline range, showing incompatible scores on VIQ and PIQ. The overall levels of intelligence of children with ADHD were found be lower than normal controls. Conclusion:There was significant difference in intellectual abilities between ADHD children and normal children.


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