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作者:高成阁1  纪术茂2  苏掌权3  高惠荣4 
单位:1. 西安医科大学第一附属医院精神科 陕西 西安 710061 
关键词:强迫症 MMPI 因子分析 聚类分析 


Objective:To explore the personality types a nd the features of clinical subtypes of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Methods:82 cases of OCD were tested using Chinese MMPI that was revised by MMPI normative cooperative group. We used MMPI-B auto-analysis sys tem made by Ji Shumao et al to calculate the basis scores and T scores of 73 scales.Results:Basis scores (+K)of scales F, Hs, D, Hy, P d, Pa, Pt, Sc, (males and females)and Si, Mf(males) and K (females) on OCD group were higher that the scores of the normal group. The two-point code of T scores in OCD was 72/27.The factor analysis in 13 scales showed that there were four personality factors in OCD: neuroticism factor (Hs, Hy, D, Pt), psychotic factor (F, Pd, Sc), suspicious factor( F, Ma, Pa), Social introversion factor (L, Si, Mf).82 cases of OCD were divided into three groups by K-means of quick cluster analysis, T scores of 73 MMPI scales were different among three groups (P<0.000).Conclusion:The psychological features and comorbidity and responses to psychotherapy of three groups OCD are different.


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