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作者:潘琼  肖水源 
单位:中南大学湘雅医学院社会医学教研室 湖南 长沙 410078 
关键词:Pathological Internet Use/Internet Addiction Internet Behavior 

Internet is a new technology that has significant impact on the world and it certainly serves a powerful way for facilitating communication and information.At the same time,increasing problems have been reported due to overuse or abusive use of the Iternet.Pathological Internet Use (PIU),which is also known as Internet Addiction,has been found to affect the mental health of many on-line users.Researches are now paying more attention to the negative impacts of Internet usage.This article reviews the definition,epidemiology,etiology,symptoms and diagnoses of PIU.

Internet is a new technology that has significant impact on the world and it certainly serves a powerful way for facilitating communication and information.At the same time,increasing problems have been reported due to overuse or abusive use of the Iternet.Pathological Internet Use (PIU),which is also known as Internet Addiction,has been found to affect the mental health of many on-line users.Researches are now paying more attention to the negative impacts of Internet usage.This article reviews the definition,epidemiology,etiology,symptoms and diagnoses of PIU.


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