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作者:林仲贤  张增慧 
单位:中国科学院心理研究所 北京 100101 
关键词:Mentally retarded children Intelligence Quotient(IQ) Hand tapping speed 

Objective This study was to investigate the difference in hand tapping speed among mentally retarded children with different IQ.Methods The hand tapping speed of 37 mentally retarded children aged 10-14 years old (average age 12.3) was measured by means of a special apparatus.The subjects were divided into two groups according to their intelligence quotient (IQ):Group A with IQ ranged from 55~75 (Mean= 61.3) and Group B with IQ ranged from 35~51 (Mean=42.8).The hand tapping speed (frequency) of left hand and right hand for each subject was measured respectively for one minute.Results The hand tapping speed of the children in group B was obviously slower than that of the children in Group A.The hand tapping speed of the mentally retarded children in group B was compatible to that of the normal 7 years old children.Conclusion Hand tapping speed was significantly slower in mentally retarded children with lower IQs.

Objective This study was to investigate the difference in hand tapping speed among mentally retarded children with different IQ.Methods The hand tapping speed of 37 mentally retarded children aged 10-14 years old (average age 12.3) was measured by means of a special apparatus.The subjects were divided into two groups according to their intelligence quotient (IQ):Group A with IQ ranged from 55~75 (Mean= 61.3) and Group B with IQ ranged from 35~51 (Mean=42.8).The hand tapping speed (frequency) of left hand and right hand for each subject was measured respectively for one minute.Results The hand tapping speed of the children in group B was obviously slower than that of the children in Group A.The hand tapping speed of the mentally retarded children in group B was compatible to that of the normal 7 years old children.Conclusion Hand tapping speed was significantly slower in mentally retarded children with lower IQs.


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