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作者:杨来启  吴兴曲  王晓锋  杨喜民  刘光雄  马文涛  张宏宾  李栓德 
单位:解放军第三医院 陕西 宝鸡 721004 
关键词:Environmental stress Limbic system Nitric oxid Nitric oxide synthase 

Objective To observe the change in nitric and nitric oxide synthase in limbic system in the rat brain under slow stress.Methods The slow stress condition was induced by restricted movement of rats,during which the level of NO and activity of NOS were measured in hippocampus,prefrontal and hypothalamus.Results The level of NO and activity of NOS of hippocampus,hypothalamus and prefrontal in stress group was significantly higher than that in the control group (P<0.05).Conclusion The level of NO increased in brain tissues might play a role in stress related disorder.

Objective To observe the change in nitric and nitric oxide synthase in limbic system in the rat brain under slow stress.Methods The slow stress condition was induced by restricted movement of rats,during which the level of NO and activity of NOS were measured in hippocampus,prefrontal and hypothalamus.Results The level of NO and activity of NOS of hippocampus,hypothalamus and prefrontal in stress group was significantly higher than that in the control group (P<0.05).Conclusion The level of NO increased in brain tissues might play a role in stress related disorder.


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