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作者:郭海鹰  曾仲  郭海燕  王小渝  刘兴强  陈蓉  郑琳  曾昭宇  周箭 
单位:成都市第三人民医院 成都 610031 
关键词:Hematological disease Depressed mood 

Objective:To investigate levels of depressed mood in patients with Hematological disease.Methods:41 patients with Hematological diseases were assessed on the SDS and the results were compared with normal control subjects.Results:Patients with Hematological diseases scored higher than the normal control subjects on depressed mood.Female patients had higher scores than the males.When compared to the patients with non-Hematological diseases,there were significant differences in females but not in males.Depressed mood in patients with Hematological diseases endorsed significantly more items on active-somatic and spirit-action than active depressed mood.Conclusion:Medical professions should consider the emotional aspects of patients in order to devise a more comprehensive plan for treatment.

Objective:To investigate levels of depressed mood in patients with Hematological disease.Methods:41 patients with Hematological diseases were assessed on the SDS and the results were compared with normal control subjects.Results:Patients with Hematological diseases scored higher than the normal control subjects on depressed mood.Female patients had higher scores than the males.When compared to the patients with non-Hematological diseases,there were significant differences in females but not in males.Depressed mood in patients with Hematological diseases endorsed significantly more items on active-somatic and spirit-action than active depressed mood.Conclusion:Medical professions should consider the emotional aspects of patients in order to devise a more comprehensive plan for treatment.


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