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单位:湖南师范大学教育科学学院 湖南 长沙 410081 
关键词:Elderly women Mental health SCL-90 

Objective:To understand mental health of elderly women.Methods:124 elderly females,aged from 55-81,were assessed on the SCL-90.Results:The scores on Compulsion and Anxiety of the SCL-90 were higher for those with age above 65 than those below 65.The scores on Somatization,Compulsion,Interpersonal Sensitivity,Anxiety,Depression and Phobia were higher in widows than those in marriage.Conclusion:The mental health of elderly women,especially the widows with advancing age,required more attention from the society.

Objective:To understand mental health of elderly women.Methods:124 elderly females,aged from 55-81,were assessed on the SCL-90.Results:The scores on Compulsion and Anxiety of the SCL-90 were higher for those with age above 65 than those below 65.The scores on Somatization,Compulsion,Interpersonal Sensitivity,Anxiety,Depression and Phobia were higher in widows than those in marriage.Conclusion:The mental health of elderly women,especially the widows with advancing age,required more attention from the society.


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