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作者:姜美俊  郝伟 
单位:中南大学湘雅二医院精神卫生研究所 湖南 长沙 410011 
关键词:Drug abuse and dependence Immune function 

The abuse and dependence of opioids can seriously damage the users' health physically and psychologically.The authors reviewed the inhibitory effects of opioid on the immune system and related mechanisms involving cellular,humoral,and unspecific immune processes,which would cast light on the treatment of opioid-induced immunodeficiency and infectious diseases in clinical practice.

The abuse and dependence of opioids can seriously damage the users' health physically and psychologically.The authors reviewed the inhibitory effects of opioid on the immune system and related mechanisms involving cellular,humoral,and unspecific immune processes,which would cast light on the treatment of opioid-induced immunodeficiency and infectious diseases in clinical practice.


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